Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Are YOU God's Angel?
When we pray specifically, God answers specifically. He speaks to the heart of people who hold the answer; whether it be financial or help for a physical need.
Many people hear that still small voice to be the answer to prayer, but are too consumed with the almighty $$$ that they lose a blessing from God. They fear the loss of profit to bless another, or they fear the loss of “party” time to help another with a physical need.
God wants to bless his children. But we live in the “instant gratification” society that wants answer to pray NOW, in our time, not in God’s time.
I recently experienced the request for the NOW answer from God. As a first time author, I requested a blessing from a well-known author for sponsorship to a special training session to help my book reach the masses. I heard that still small voice tell me to email them with my story – and to tell it from my heart. And I obeyed. That was weeks ago, and yet - no response.
What did I learn from this delay?
First, everything happens for God’s glory and in His time. He told me to send the email, but he didn’t tell me when the response would come.
Second, I learned that not every successful author responds to email, even though their website says, “CONTACT US” and we will respond to your inquiry. I pray that success doesn’t stop me from hearing that still small voice to be a blessing – regardless of the cost!
Why is the response to my email so IMPORTANT?
My goal for writing My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007 was to share Cathy’s story with the world. A story so special it has to reach the masses. But the book is not my final goal.
The final goal - a Lifetime TV Movie to show the world that Cathy Porter is touched by God. Although her life has been full of trails and tribulations, she has prevailed. If you think your life is bad, consider Cathy’s – cerebral palsy, stomach and bone cancer, arthritis, lymphedema, heart issues and most recently, colon cancer.
When the movie, My Sisters Keeper, was released, I knew I had to see it. And what an impact it had on my life. It touched the core of my heart, and instilled a drive in me to see Cathy’s story on the big screen. As a sister, and a daughter – the characters in the movie reached deep into the recesses of my heart and revealed forgotten memories.
Did I cry? You bet … all the way through the movie. The story line, the characters, the trials and triumphs of My Sisters Keeper confirmed my goal for the book. Cathy’s story must be told.
What I’ve learned from this adventure is I can’t do it alone. I need God in my corner to direct the path to the movie. Although I want it to happen NOW, God sees the BIG picture and knows the perfect time for My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007 to reach the BIG screen.
As a first time author, I’ve been blessed! But I know God has plans for my life – plans to bless me in more ways than just financial. Plans to use my hands to bless the world with stories of hope and encouragement. And, He will send his ANGEL to answer my prayer in his time!!!
Never give up on your dreams – be assured that God hears your prayers. The longer you wait, the better the reward!!! I see a HUGE reward ahead – not for me, but for all who read the book and, eventually, see the movie. Yes, Cathy is touched by God. And I am proud to call her my sister!!!
Are you God’s Angel?
If God has spoken to your heart to GIVE to another without regard of return on investment – obey!!! As he uses YOU to be a blessing, he will also BLESS your life by sending an ANGEL to answer your prayers!
Writing this story has reminded me TO OBEY his still small voice when he directs me to be an answer to prayer!
© Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007
Monday, August 24, 2009
Abundance is FREE
You can be flat broke and give from your abundance. I know what you are thinking, “If I am flat broke, what abundance do I have?”
I’ll share the answer in a moment, but first think about this …
What do you have in abundance that is yours to give away – other than MONEY? Think outside the box and search your heart.
Come on … I know you know the answer.
Actually, there are two things EVERYONE has in abundance …
Time and Talent – whether you are rich or poor, you have these in abundance!!!
When God created us, he gave us the same twenty-four hours per day and he gifted us with special talents. Some recognize their talents immediately i.e. singing or drawing, but there are also talents that are not seen or heard. They are talents within the heart. While many use their time and talent for selfish reasons, many use their time and talent for Godly reasons.
Volunteering opened my eyes to what giving from my abundance really means. It does not mean giving of my MONEY (although I do), but it means giving of my Time and Talent freely to help God’s children.
I was reminded how precious our time and talents are this weekend. My husband and I gave up our weekend TIME to visit his brother in another state who is experiencing difficulties with his health. Our intention was to just visit and enjoy their company.
But God had other plans in mind. He had plans to prosper both families – one as the giver of time and talent and one as the receiver of the time and talent.
Hours before our departure, the bathroom toilet broke and needed immediate attention – an expensive repair. But, instead of calling the plumber, my husband pulled up his sleeves and made the necessary repairs saving his brother hundreds of dollars. And he did it for FREE – he used his Time and Talent (no, he is not a plumber) but experienced in plumbing repairs. He gave of his abundance of time and knowledge to bless his brother.
Without any exchange of MONEY, both brothers were blessed.
When we think of ABUNDANCE, we automatically think of MONEY and what it can buy – BIG houses, expensive cars and elaborate vacations. Or as most associate, the life of the rich and famous.
But that’s not what God thinks of abundance. He thinks of abundance as giving all we have to the work of the Lord. When we give from the heart, we give out of the abundance of all the riches in the world. And the return on the investment is treasures worth more than all the gold in the world – God’s blessings!!!
So the next time you’re asked to GIVE from your abundance, consider the abundance of your time and talent before you consider the MONEY in your pocket.
(c) Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair MD 2007
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Families Unite for Jesus
Don’t believe my words – read the newspapers, or watch the news. Families are dissolving faster than sugar dissolves in a warm beverage.
Husbands are having affairs. Wives are having affairs. Parents are putting work before family leaving the children to fend for themselves for hours each day. Parents are pushing children into sports (for their own gratification). Children are putting sports before studies because they read about the huge sums of money the players earn. And the list goes on and on. No wonder society is in such a state of disarray.
Family values are disappearing. In their place is the “instant gratification” of the me generation. And I don’t mean just the youth – I mean ALL generations. We’ve become the disposable generation. Don’t like it, throw it out and buy something else, or someone new. Sad to say, this is the state of the family in 2009.
Television and Hollywood teach deception is the norm. Don’t like your husband/wife – have an affair – but don’t get caught. And if you’ve been watching the news lately, politicians and sports figures are at the top of the list. When the dirty secrets are revealed, they go on television to confess – but only AFTER they were caught. These are educated people – not blind to the results of their actions. What does this teach our children? Certainly not the vows taken in marriage!
Deception is the work of the devil. He is on earth to kill, steal and destroy. And he is doing a great job within the family unit. Sad to say, he has lots of help by the media, television and the movies. We can’t watch regular television without commercials that should be x-rated. We can’t watch the family rated shows without some reference to immoral acts. Who judges these shows for values? I, for one, think they need new judges.
The family unit is dissolving and the world wonders why.
We are responsible for what we watch, what we hear, and what we do with the information from these sources. If we chose to fill our minds with trash, trash will be the result. That old clique “garbage in, garbage out” holds true in today’s society.
God gave us dominion over our lives – and he also gave us Jesus to help us make the right decisions. When Jesus died on the cross, he said, “It is FINISHED!” The devil was defeated at that moment in time. And when we accept Jesus into our hearts, we have His POWER to overcome the devil; to take back what he has stolen from our families.
Families are God’s creation. He started with Adam and Eve and today he has billions of children. Each child has a free will to choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And he is saddened by the conditions of 2009 and the number of his children that have rejected his Son Jesus.
Jesus will return – one day; the day and time only God knows. But until Jesus returns, we need to set about his business. We need to take control of our minds, filter out the devil thoughts, images, and wrong choices. We need to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus.
Parents – you hold the lives of your children in your hands. God gave you these precious gems to nurture and love; to provide security and education. But most of all, to lead them into the arms of Jesus. Don’t destroy their faith in you because of your desire for the lifestyle of the rich and famous – or the make believe characters on television or movie.
Jesus is the remedy for the dissolving family. You can read about him in the Bible … and you can call upon him – any day, and hour, any minute, any second. He awaits your call for help!!
Families Unite for Jesus!!!
(c) Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair MD 2007
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Routine or Adventure - You can have both!!!
Life is an adventure. Although we live in a world of routine, sometimes our routine is upset when life takes a new road to new adventures.
As I thought about the word “routine,” lots of images crossed my vision:
Up at the same time everyday to prepare for work
Leave at the same time everyday to drive to work
Take the same route everyday to work
Eat lunch at the same time every day
Leave work at the same time everyday
Take the same route home
Eat dinner at the same time everyday
Go to bed at the same time everyday
I’m certain everyone has variations on their personal routine; especially those with children. Yet the fact remains; we are creatures of routine.
But what happens when we change just one element of our routine?
Changing one fifteen minute block of time in my routine changed my life. Just fifteen minutes – every morning wedged between “Up at the same time everyday to prepare for work” and “Leave at the same time everyday to drive to work” revolutionized my thinking and my goals.
What was so powerful that it changed my life – in only fifteen minutes every morning? No, it was not physical exercise, although it is important also.
Fifteen minutes of reading the BIBLE opened my mind and heart to God’s plan for my life. While I nourished my body with food, I also nourished my mind with God’s wisdom for the day.
Our mind needs spiritual nourishment just as our body needs vitamins and minerals to sustain a healthy life. Society is consumed with improving the “look” of the body, but spends little time on improving the “look” of the mind. Although we can’t see the “mind,” we experience the effects of its neglect.
God gave everyone twenty-four hours in a day – and for most, eight of those hours are consumed with sleep plus another ten hours for work leaves approximately six hours for all the other activities of life. Not a lot of time to accomplish all our to-do’s necessary in the busy world we live in, but more than enough time to spent time in the Word of God.
How did my “morning spiritual nourishment” change my life?
It assured me of my salvation with the Lord. When Jesus said, “It Is FINISHED!” – He meant it is FINISHED. He paid the price for my sins – once and for all. I now live under the waterfall of His GRACE. Through his death on the cross, I have assurance of eternal life in heaven and for blessings while I am here on earth. One day I will be in my new home and see Jesus face to face to personally thank him for all he has done in my life!!!
What else have I learned from my spiritual nourishment?
That God gave me a gift, actually two, no – three: writing, photography and volunteering with the disabled. And once I began to exercise my gifts, the blessings flowed like living water over my life. They flowed through my fingers when I wrote My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007 in nine weeks. They flowed through the lens of my camera when photographing his beautiful creations. They flowed through my outreach into the disability community.
The flowed and they flowed and they continue to flow.
I believe spiritual nourishment is vital to living a life full of adventures. But I must warn you …
Fifteen minutes wedged between my “Up at the same time everyday to prepare for work” and “Leave at the same time everyday to drive to work” expanded into listening to Bible study and worship music on the way to/from work, reading great books written by the anointed of God which has led me to an unquenchable thirst to be all I can be for the Lord.
Routine is great – and is necessary for a successful life. But routine without the Word of God in our lives is not healthy. It’s a routine that needs to be shaken to its roots and reorganized to make reading the Word of God the most important time of our morning routine.
We can have Routine and Adventure in our life – God’s way!!!
When we make time for God, he will make the desires of our heart a reality and give us his adventures of a lifetime!!!
© Nancy Carey
My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What does the word DISABILITY mean to you?
For me, it means “wheelchair.” Why? Because I’ve volunteered since March 2006 with incredible ladies in wheelchairs. So when my sister, Cathy Porter (Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007) and I were invited to attend the W.E.A.N. Self-Esteem Workshop for Girls 13-18 with Disabilities, my first thought was “wheelchairs.” I was the event photographer while Cathy was a “whatever needed” volunteer.
But I was totally wrong in my perception. What WALKED through the door of this event were incredible girls NOT in wheelchairs. These precious young ladies were labeled “disabled” not because of their physical disability, but because of a brain disability. The mother-daughter event touched my heart – and changed my thinking.
My life changed the day I photographed these girls – I learned how beautiful they are on the inside as well as the outside. Their “joy” was evident with their contagious laughter and willingness to share what their disability meant to them.
What did I learn from these precious girls?
· They are very protective of their families
· They want to be treated equal
· They love new adventures
· They love the CAMERA
· And most of all, they love their MOTHERS
Mothers – oh my, I was overwhelmed with emotion at their dedication to their daughters. It reminded me of Cathy and our mom – the mom who refused to put Cathy away when she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
My eyes were also opened to another revelation – wheelchair users love to volunteer. These precious Queens from W.E.A.N. (Women Empowered Abilities Now) were the most giving volunteers to these able-bodied attendees. The served with their hearts – and gave love to all who walked across the threshold of this event.
Disability means different things to different people. A disability can be mild to severe, but it almost means an opportunity for the able-bodied (body and brain) to volunteer to help.
I WALKED away from this event with renewed appreciation of ALL my abilities. And I also WALKED away with a renewed quest to share the blessings of volunteering.
Appreciate who you are – what you can do – and never WALK away from an opportunity to GIVE of your abilities.