Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shedding the old is a good lesson for Fall

Hard to believe it is Fall of 2009. Where did the year go?
As an avid scrapbooker, I write a monthly journal of the “achievements” of the month. And of course I add lots of pictures to the journal as memories of the previous month’s events.

As Fall “falls” upon the landscape, I’m amazed at the blaze of orange and reds that blanket the trees and ground. My camera has captured some beautiful images of this transformation; a subtle reminder that summer is gone, and the cool weather is taking control of the remaining months of 2009.

Fall also reminds me of releasing. As the leaves fall upon the ground, they “release” their ties that bind them to the tree. When God created this cycle, he knew that shedding of the old prepares for the new.

Without shedding the old leaves, the trees will not be ready for the birth of the new leaves in the spring. Trees continue to grow bigger and stronger because they recycle. They don’t stay the same year after year – they continually shed the old to give birth to new. They achieve their goal when all their leaves are on the ground, which doesn’t happen overnight, but over a period of time designed by God. This time period allows us to enjoy the beauty of the transformation throughout the fall season.

Shedding the old is a good lesson for Fall. As 2009 turns the corner to closure, it’s time we “shed” our old beliefs or habits so our lives will be ready for the “rebirth”cycle in 2010. It’s time we look inside our hearts and release the ties that bind us to the past; let go of habits that hinder instead of build. Let go of anger and replace with peace. Let go of relationships that destroy instead of encourage. Let go of anything that keeps us from Jesus, the finisher of our faith. Regardless of what other people have done to change our lives (downsizing, loss of home etc,) simply RELEASE the past so the SPRING will return in our step!

Winter, spring, summer and fall – all have a purpose from God; and so do we. God wants us to continue to recycle and grow bigger and stronger – physically, intellectually and spiritually. But as long as we hold on to the past, the newness of life will not occur, God doesn’t want us to stay the same – he wants us to grow into the person he created us to be.

As you watch the trees shed their leaves this fall, take a moment to release the ties that bind you to the past. Then review your previous month’s achievements. If you don’t have any to record, then get about God’s purpose for your life to create some for next month. Life is dull without achievements – as the tree prepares all year to shed its leaves in the fall, prepare for your BIG release next month – you don’t have to wait a year to see the results.

God's Blessings for a BEAUTIFUL FALL season.

Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair MD 2007

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