Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crime Screen Investigation - The TYPO

Crime Scene Investigator, or better known as CSI, has swept the TV ratings for years. Their investigative techniques taught millions how to avoid getting caught. The CSI who solved the crime discovered the incriminating evidence in the smallest detail. In most cases, it was hidden in plain sight.

Typographical Error, better known to billions by its nick name – TYPO has evaded capture for centuries. The elusive TYPO is a professional, experienced in the field of cloak and dagger. It has no allegiance to anyone; all are fair game to its deceptive practices.

TYPO has no fear of capture. It’s a master of disguise – transforming itself into any character or number; loves to twist itself in misspelled words and worst of all, incorrect word usage: there, their or they’re; two, too or to; you’re or your to mention a few of the obvious.

Nothing is safe from its raff; no document, spreadsheet, flyer, website, white paper, newsletter or blog – nothing is beyond its grasp in inflicting its ultimate sting – EMBARRASSMENT.

When TYPO rears its ugly head, the PROOFREADERS job is to squash it. But TYPO is never defeated. It’s been well trained to divert, regroup, and attack again.

Writers Beware: TYPO is on the loose. It is out to seek and destroy. And it has the skills to inflict extreme EMBARRASSMENT.
(c) Nancy Carey

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Were You a Blessing Today?

Were You a Blessing Today?

If not, why not?

Life is full of trials and tribulations. And someone somewhere needs your blessing upon their life today.

When life gets us down, we immediately turn to the “pity party” syndrome. Its part of life – and at some point – everyone experiences it. Even those who know it does nothing to alleviate the source of the “pity party,” they dive headfirst into the whole of despair.

Blessings come in many forms – a kind word, a surprise card in the mail, and in our more modern times - an email and website.

I was blessed today because I blessed others through two of these forms – a phone call and an email which led to my website and my book My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007.

Little did I know when I answered my phone and responded to an email that my blessing would lift them out of their “pity party.”

The blessing didn’t come from my outreach, but from life experiences recorded in My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007. The phone call comforted a dear friend who recently lost her mother and the email comforted a new friend who is experiencing health issues. Cathy’s story was able to bring hope to these two special people.

So today – don’t let the sun go down without blessing someone. Make a phone call, mail a card or write an email – better yet, visit someone. OR, whatever form you need to release your blessings.

Blessings sent out never return void … they return HUGE dividends.
(c) Nancy Carey

Caretakers are “Angels” in Disguise

Caretakers are “Angels” in Disguise

According to Webster’s Dictionary, caretaker is defined as a person hired to take care of something or someone. The word that caught my attention is hired. By definition, again from Webster’s Dictionary, hired means to get the services of a person in return for payment.

When I think of the word caretaker, a different image comes to mind. A person not hired for pay, but who volunteers from the heart to help another in need. Their services are vast, from a kind word to a much needed bath. The reach of the caretaker reaches near and far.

On March 11, 2006, I entered into a new realm of caretaker. Prior to March 11, 2006, I was the long distance caretaker for one precious lady, My Sister My Hero, Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007. Cathy has Cerebral Palsy … but it does stop her from living life to its fullest. Read her memoir at

Although we rarely lived in the same state, God still used me in service for him. He used my voice … and he used it well. In addition to being sisters, Cathy and I are best friends; rarely a day goes by without a phone call. Like clockwork, I call her to confirm she is ok and all is well. Being a caretaker is more than caring for the physical body, but for the emotional side as well.

A kind word is like good medicine – it encourages the heart and gives hope. From one precious lady, God spread my wings and widened my caretaker path. He opened the doors to the Ms. Wheelchair America program A program that expanded my “caretaker” duties wider than I could ever imagine. And what was my payment – absolute JOY.

It’s an honor to be a caretaker, to offer my able-bodied arms, legs, eyes and ears to those less fortunate. And to offer my services without pay is a blessing.

So the next time you hear the word “caretaker,” don’t turn away and say, “Not me!” But open your heart to the possibility of being a blessing to someone – without pay. Send a card, make a call, stop by to visit – once you offer your services to God, he will use you as an “angel” for someone in need.
(c) Nancy Carey

First Time Author

The feeling is overwhelming. The sense of accomplishment is awesome. And the reality of holding the book in your hand is tremendous.

Many dream of writing a book, but for many, it remains a dream. To make the dream a reality takes determination and a driving force within to reach the goal line.

My dream of writing My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007 began in 2007. For two years I spoke of, dreamed of, but never wrote the book. Oh yes, I attempted the daunting task many times, even to the point of creating a fancy Excel spreadsheet with many tabs, each representative of a chapter. I thought I was on my way, but God had a different plan. When it came to actually taking the “bullet points” from the fancy Excel spreadsheet and turn them into a story, the well of words dried up. I couldn’t type two words that made sense. And believe me; I tried, time and time again.

Writers Block is a difficult thing to accept. It is very frustrating, and for me, it actually made me angry at myself. I wanted, desperately, to write Cathy’s story. But the more I tried to write it, the harder it got to write it. Finally, I heard God’s still small voice say, “It’s not time!” And it wasn’t – there was too much left to experience, too many incredible memories that had to be told. So with that realization, I stopped trying to write it and started to experience the incredible chapters of the future book.

When the time was God’s time, the words flowed like living stories. I couldn’t type fast enough to record them all. And from first word to finished book – a total of four months – my dream became a reality.

What did I learn through this experience – listen to that still small voice. God knows the perfect time for everything. He knows what needs to be shared and what the title should be. Oh yeah – there was another realization. From my first thought of writing the memoir, the title changed many, many, many times. Each idea lasted a brief time, then as quickly as it entered my mind, it disappeared. Then the reference I used for years came to mind, My Sister My Hero Cathy – God added Porter, Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007. No, actually, God created the entire title. He knew long before my thought of writing the memoir what the title would be, how many pages it would be, and who would read it.

Joy is a beautiful word. It describes a mixture of exhilaration and happiness blended with a bit of humble pie. As a mother of two handsome sons, precious gifts from God, I know the feeling of joy!

As a new author, in many ways, I feel like I gave birth to God’s incredible gift of words.

Never give up on your dream of being an author. For one day, it WILL become a reality and your life will never be the same.
(c) Nancy Carey