Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Michael Jackson -- A Sad Story

Michael Jackson made the news once again. The world is mourning the loss of a great musical talent.

Michael was blessed with an incredible gift of music that reached the world. But it wasn't enough to bring him happiness. The music he made could not calm the storm raging within his heart.

When God blesses us with incredible talent, it is a gift. A gift that we should treasure and take care of. As we have heard through television, radio, newspaper and every form of communication, Micheal Jackson will be remembered as one of the greatest music talents of all times. Sad to say, Michael will also be remembered for other aspects of his life that were not so great.

What lesson can we learn from Michael Jackson? Great success comes with a price! Measure the cost before embarking on a journey with tremendous consequences.

God gave each a talent - it's time you use yours to bring joy to the God who gave it to you. Don't take your gift for granted, but use it wisely.

Nancy Carey

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