Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

A day noted with freedom, or better known as the 4th of July. A mid-year point that says summer is here, and will soon be gone. A day of celebrations with family and friends.

But what does Independence Day mean to you – PERSONALLY?

We celebrate the day with hot dogs and hamburgers and every “outdoor” food imaginable. We gather to watch the BIG fireworks display and wonder at the splendor of the lights in the sky.

But what does Independence Day mean to you – PERSONALLY?

Do you reflect on the freedoms you have and how often you take them for granted? The simple freedoms to choose where you live, where you work and where you spend time in rest and relaxation?

You do have a choice in these matters, although you may not realize it. The choices you make effect the independence you experience tomorrow.

When you live your life according to the Word of God, you experience true independence - not just within your nation, but from sin. No need to wait for one day a year to celebrate Independence Day – but as a child of God, everyday is Independence Day. Independence from SIN with the assurance that once you accept Jesus as your PERSONAL Lord and Savior, your independence assures you an eternal life of endless celebrations.

And when this nation –The United States of America, returns to its roots with God, this nation will return to the blessings of God.

According to Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.

The United States of America, a land that many used to say they love. But in today’s economic situations brought on my greed, many have lost their zeal for this nation blessed of God.

Remember the song you sang in grade school …

God Bless America
Land that I love
Stand beside Her
And Guide Her
Through the night with the lights up above

The lyric was written out of a heart with love for our country; a time when freedom was vital and fought for. But today, we take our freedoms for granted. We allow the “political” in-the-know take control and use their powers for evil instead of the good God intended.

Stand up for your country that you love. Don’t sit back and take your freedoms for granted. Hold the “political” in-the-know group accountable with the same accountability they hold you.

As Citizens of the United States of America, we hold to the truths in the Constitution of the United States of America. Don’t forget your rights, nor your freedoms. One by one they are disappearing and we, as a nation founded on the Blessings of God, need to hold precious the freedoms granted us by God.

So today, this July 4th, 2009 – take a moment and reflect on what this Independence Day means to you – PERSONALLY.

Happy Independence Day!!!

Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2007

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