Sunday, August 23, 2009

Families Unite for Jesus

Family – the glue that gives life meaning; the bond that should be stronger than steel has been weakened by society.

Don’t believe my words – read the newspapers, or watch the news. Families are dissolving faster than sugar dissolves in a warm beverage.

Husbands are having affairs. Wives are having affairs. Parents are putting work before family leaving the children to fend for themselves for hours each day. Parents are pushing children into sports (for their own gratification). Children are putting sports before studies because they read about the huge sums of money the players earn. And the list goes on and on. No wonder society is in such a state of disarray.

Family values are disappearing. In their place is the “instant gratification” of the me generation. And I don’t mean just the youth – I mean ALL generations. We’ve become the disposable generation. Don’t like it, throw it out and buy something else, or someone new. Sad to say, this is the state of the family in 2009.

Television and Hollywood teach deception is the norm. Don’t like your husband/wife – have an affair – but don’t get caught. And if you’ve been watching the news lately, politicians and sports figures are at the top of the list. When the dirty secrets are revealed, they go on television to confess – but only AFTER they were caught. These are educated people – not blind to the results of their actions. What does this teach our children? Certainly not the vows taken in marriage!

Deception is the work of the devil. He is on earth to kill, steal and destroy. And he is doing a great job within the family unit. Sad to say, he has lots of help by the media, television and the movies. We can’t watch regular television without commercials that should be x-rated. We can’t watch the family rated shows without some reference to immoral acts. Who judges these shows for values? I, for one, think they need new judges.

The family unit is dissolving and the world wonders why.

We are responsible for what we watch, what we hear, and what we do with the information from these sources. If we chose to fill our minds with trash, trash will be the result. That old clique “garbage in, garbage out” holds true in today’s society.

God gave us dominion over our lives – and he also gave us Jesus to help us make the right decisions. When Jesus died on the cross, he said, “It is FINISHED!” The devil was defeated at that moment in time. And when we accept Jesus into our hearts, we have His POWER to overcome the devil; to take back what he has stolen from our families.

Families are God’s creation. He started with Adam and Eve and today he has billions of children. Each child has a free will to choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And he is saddened by the conditions of 2009 and the number of his children that have rejected his Son Jesus.

Jesus will return – one day; the day and time only God knows. But until Jesus returns, we need to set about his business. We need to take control of our minds, filter out the devil thoughts, images, and wrong choices. We need to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus.
Parents – you hold the lives of your children in your hands. God gave you these precious gems to nurture and love; to provide security and education. But most of all, to lead them into the arms of Jesus. Don’t destroy their faith in you because of your desire for the lifestyle of the rich and famous – or the make believe characters on television or movie.

Jesus is the remedy for the dissolving family. You can read about him in the Bible … and you can call upon him – any day, and hour, any minute, any second. He awaits your call for help!!

Families Unite for Jesus!!!

(c) Nancy Carey
Author: My Sister My Hero Cathy Porter Ms. Wheelchair MD 2007

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